Deacon Azubuike Precious Ottah

Deacon Azubuike Precious Ottah

Assistant Secretary

Deacon Azubuike Precious Ottah is of the  1977 set of the IGS. He has a HND Office Management from Federal Polytechnic Auchi (1984); PGDTED from UNIBEN(1996); M.Ed. in Educational Administration from DELSU, Abraka (2008); M.Ed. in Business Education from UNN, Nsukka(2015); Secretary General, Students’ Union, Federal Poly, Auchi (1983/84); Asst. Sec of the defunct College of Education, Agbor Academic Staff Union(1994-1996); General Secretary of IGSOBA, Home Branch(2000-20005); National Secretary of Owanta Development Union (current); Chairman, Time Table Committee(1996-2010) & Staff Welfare Committee (2021) of the defunct College of Education, Agbor; Director General of Christian Political Leaders’ Forum, CPLF(current).