Major General Nicholas Chukuka Agbogun (Rtd) Psc, Mss, Dss, Fdc, Rcds,

Member, IGSOBA Board of Trustees

Major General Nicholas Chukuka Agbogun (Rtd) Psc, Mss, Dss, Fdc, Rcds,

Major General Nick  Agbogun  (rtd) was born  in Agbor, Delta State. He attended Ika Grammar School, Agbor, from 1965 to 1969, for his WASC. He thereafter gained admission into the famous Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Kaduna and started his military career as an officer cadet in 1971. On graduation from NDA in 1973, Nick was commissioned as a Regular Combatant Officer into the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps as 2/Lt. Gen Agbogun rose steadily through the ranks to the enviable rank of Major General, serving in various units, staff, commands and training institutions. He retired meritoriously in Dec 2005 having put in the mandatory 35 years of service.

General  Nick  Agbogun  attended  many courses, local and overseas and acquired many qualifications  while in the Army. Some of the training  programmes and the qualifications  are as; Infantry Company  Commanders  Course (UK), University  of  Lagos; BSc  Computer  Science/ Mathematics, Infantry  Officers  Advance Course – Ft Benning,  Georgia (USA), United States Army Computer Science School – Indiana – MSc  Computer  Science, Royal College of Defence Studies – London, – MSc Defence & Security. General  Nick  Agbogun  took  part  several military  operations around the world (UN Forces In Lebanon, ECOMOG/ UNAMSIL Liberia/Sierra Leone; UN Operation in Congo – (DRC)).

General  Agbogun  belongs  to the following  professional  bodies: Nigerian  Society  of  Engineers,  Computer  Association  of  Nigeria, Association of Licensed Private Security Practitioners of Nigeria (ALPSPN), American  Society  of  Industrial  Security  (ASIS), Retired   Army,  Navy  and  Air  Force  Officers  Club  (RANAO),Ikoyi, IBB,  Ikeja  and  Asaba  Golf Clubs.

General Agbogun  has the following  publications: The  Nigerian  Army  and  Internal  Security  Operations; Security  and  Assets  Protection  for  Banks  in  Nigeria; Security  and  Development  in  Nigeria; Military Retirement into A Civilian  Success (unpublished). On retirement, General Nick settled in his area of core competence; private security and community development.

He is currently the MD/CEO, Syman Consultants Ltd; a Defence and Security Consultancy outfit with offices in Lagos, Abuja and Delta State. General  Nick  is widely traveled. He is married with children.